Joe Henry likes to tell people he was in the army with my husband, Steve. It makes me smile to think about it, although I know the true meaning behind the inside joke and it isn’t entirely funny. Joe is impossible to capture with words, although I’m sure he could figure it out, damn him. Being charming and the kindest soul you could ever meet just isn’t good enough. He must also beguile us with his luminous, indelible, and (wait for it) toothsome way with words and music….

I’m doing the happy dance over today’s installment of RNRHS, featuring honest-to-goodness American music legend, Peter Case.  Many children of the ’80s, myself included, love his band, The Plimsouls, and associate them with a very memorable time in our lives.  “A Million Miles Away” is the touchstone, nostalgia wrapped up in an endlessly listenable package.  Hell, the title for my book comes from the lyrics.  The thing is though, The Plimsouls were only the tip of the proverbial iceberg and Case’s solo career has proven to be most…

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