Facebook Reader Groups - Karen Booth

Facebook Reader Groups

flyleafcloseupIf you’re a fan of my books, why not join one of my reader groups? You’ll get sneak peeks of covers, exclusive first-looks at upcoming releases, a chance at reader-group-only giveaways and advance copies of my books, plus you will make lots of new friends

First up is Backstage Antics with Karen. This is my dedicated reader group. The original!

If you have an interest in romance with characters 35+, join Seasoned Romance. I’m a co-founder of this group, which now boasts nearly 5,000 members!

If you like some brains with your romance brawn, join The Corner of Smart & Sexy, the multi-author group I share with Serena Bell, Reese Ryan, Maggie Wells, Ruby Lang, and Hope Ellis. We talk books and romance, and host weekly giveaways, all in a fun and relaxed setting.

I hope to see you on Facebook soon!




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