Chick Lit Archives - Page 3 of 41 - Karen Booth

Where do I begin? How about at the beginning? I’m a writer–seems like a good place. I just finished an interview and reading with North Carolina Public Radio’s “The State of Things”. It was both a blast and a blur–Frank Stasio and the amazing folks at WUNC do an incredible job of making you feel comfortable and welcome. It was mostly the forming coherent thoughts that I had to muddle through. The piece will run Wednesday, June 26. For those of you outside NC, you can listen via…

I will be putting my public school education to the test this Wednesday, with a reading from Bring Me Back at Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill. I was always the kid who was called on in class to read aloud. No idea why, but I’m pretty good at it. (Five bucks says I just jinxed myself.) The festivities start at 7:30 and should run until about 8:30. There will be a Q&A and book signing as well (further demonstration of my talents–stay in school, kids!). To make it…

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