Today’s RNRHS is from Billy Maupin (another of my former fellow co-workers from Mammoth Records) and mentions two things I hadn’t thought about in a long time–Poindexter Records and cassingles. Ah, the cassingle, such a perfect nugget of musical enjoyment–like Jolly Ranchers for your ears. And Poindexter…well, one of the best record stores ever. It is missed by many, like countless others all over the country. Nothing beats a Saturday afternoon spent puttering about in a record store. Does that sound like something an old person says? Like,…
Category: News, Rock 'n' Roll High School Tags: 80s music, author, banks forest, billy maupin, Bring Me Back, cassingle, Chick Lit, karen balcom, music, novel, REM, rush, U2, yep roc