Woo Hoo! Can you believe I made it all the way to 50 posts for RNRHS? No? Okay, me neither. It’s not very often that a harebrained idea gains any traction, but I suppose there will always be the Flowbees and Bedazzlers of the world and if my blog ever becomes known as a Bedazzler of the Internet, that would be a sparkly crowning achievement. For my 50th RNRHS installment, I invited erotica author Tiffany Reisz to entertain you with her well-groomed word choice and bedazzled turn of…

Dear Duran Duran, OMG, I know, this letter is totally late. Looking at my calendar, it’s twenty-seven years late. The thing is, it would have been totally lame if I’d written this in 1985. It would have said, “I love you!” 100 times, written in my loopiest high-school-girl handwriting. I know this because I sent that exact letter to Rick Springfield in 1983 and we all know how that turned out. For Rick, I mean. I’m totally fine. And let’s be honest. You guys were ridiculously huge in…

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