Where do I begin? How about at the beginning? I’m a writer–seems like a good place. I just finished an interview and reading with North Carolina Public Radio’s “The State of Things”. It was both a blast and a blur–Frank Stasio and the amazing folks at WUNC do an incredible job of making you feel comfortable and welcome. It was mostly the forming coherent thoughts that I had to muddle through. The piece will run Wednesday, June 26. For those of you outside NC, you can listen via…
Category: Adventures in Writing, Blog, Home News, News Tags: 80s music, author, Bring Me Back, chapel hill, Chick Lit, christopher penman, contemporary romance, duran duran, frank stasio, john taylor, karen booth, mcintyres books, music, nc, north carolina public radio, novel, romance, steamy romance, the state of things, turquoise morning press, women's fiction, wunc
Oh goodness I don’t even know where to BEGIN with today’s Rock ‘n’ Roll High School. I’d say there are no words, but the truth is that there are too many. My guest is Christopher Penman, guitarist and co-founder of seminal, fictional, 80s British band Banks Forest. Christopher also stars in my latest book, my first full-length novel, Bring Me Back. I was anxious to give readers a better look at Christopher’s adolescence and particularly his musical roots, since that’s something that I was able to only touch…
Category: Home News, News, Rock 'n' Roll High School Tags: 80s music, banks forest, Bring Me Back, chapel hill, chicago, Chick Lit, christopher penman, cliff richard, contemporary romance, david bowie, erotic romance, high school, karen booth, novel, romance, the clash, the jam, turquoise morning press, women's fiction