Today’s Rock ‘n’ Roll High School entry comes from writer extraordinaire Janie Emaus, whom I met through one of my publishers, Turquoise Morning Press. I could tell from our first email exchange that Janie and I were going to get on like a house on fire–she’s such a huge music fan with many stories to share. For the second entry in a row, we get a glimpse of music as it was enjoyed by American teens in the 1960s, which is so incredibly cool to me. There’s a…

The always awesome Casey Daniel from 7Mary3 is at the helm of Rock ‘n’ Roll High School today. I love hearing about what musicians were into in high school, at a time when tastes are becoming fully formed but are still very much subject to the influence of peers. The sway that the other kids at school can have is an interesting one–a band could lose all points with the cool kids if too many people started to like them. I know I was guilty of abandoning certain…

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