In the spirit of welcoming a new year and saying goodbye to 2010, I want to thank everyone who has played a big part in my writing life over the last year.  I can now say that I have spent an entire year writing Bring Me Back, although to be more precise, it’s more like fourteen months.  I learned a lot about myself over the course of 2010—about what I’m capable of and how writing plays into that. Warning:  this is going to sound like chicken soup, but…

Installment #2: Monica Myers Shelton, Jordy Birch, Jane Greathouse This time I have surveys from Monica Myers Shelton, Jordy Birch, and Jane Greathouse.  FYI, Jane was my BFF in high school and she and I recently re-connected via facebook.  People love to slag facebook, but it is good for some things and that is one of those things. I’ve got more of these coming, but please let me know if you would like to participate and I will e-mail you the questions.  You can reach me at karen…

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