Hey y’all!  Just had to say that since today’s installment of RNRHS (we’re calling it that now, btw) is from my amazing friend, Amy Barefoot, who can say things like y’all and make it sound perfectly natural.  It sounds terrible when I say it (see sidebar).  In fact, I apologized profusely the few times I tried to use it.  Amy and I used to work at Mammoth Records together and although we were separated by two floors, that didn’t stop us from spending lots of time together.  Now…

Today’s RNRHS post is from my amazing writing critique partner, Karen Stivali.  Karen and I met online on the Nathan Bransford forums.  I posted a question about writing and sex and Karen not only answered it, I remember thinking that it was a damn good answer.  Lo and behold, she sent me a board message the next day inquiring about whether I might want a critique partner. We were really lucky to find each other.  Freakishly lucky.  We were both at the same place with our manuscripts at…

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