My friend Holly Gilliatt passed away yesterday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. She was a fellow author, incredibly smart, spirited like a house on fire, and hilariously funny. She was a mother, a wife, a daughter, beloved. She was a good friend. She never took herself too seriously, but she also never gave up. She was as tenacious and determined as a person can be. I only knew her as someone living with cancer. If she was ever feeling sorry for herself, she never showed it. I…

Please don’t assume that two Rock ‘n’ Roll High Schools this week means that I suddenly have my act together. I’m the Popeye of blogging…I blog when I blog and that’s all that I blog. (I know. It was a stretch.) Today’s FAB guest is British author Louise Bay. I had the pleasure of reading an advance copy of Louise’s brand new book, Hopeful, and immediately fell under the spell of her hero, Joel. If you like dreamy Brits (and you do if you read my blog–I require it!), and if you like my…

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