I love the idea of setting goals, but I don’t always meet them, especially when they’re big ones. What can I say? I’m human. When I first signed with Harlequin, I set a goal for myself of publishing ten books with them. That first contract was for two books, so ten was a stretch. I knew I was going to have to work hard to get there, and honestly? I wasn’t sure I could do it. That was 2015, and I’m completely gobsmacked to say that my 30th…

As you may or may not know, my next book, SWAP AND SMELL THE ROSES, is out May 21. This book is immensely close to my heart, and I’m essentially bursting at the seams while waiting for it to come out. I managed (somehow, don’t ask me exactly how) to squeeze so much into the pages–romance (of course), fun, humor, emotion, nostalgia, my love of the garden, sentimentality, and lots of heat. As a reader, I love reading a book that makes me laugh and cry and swoon,…

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