I spend a lot of time talking about Duran Duran wallpaper. People know this about me. I think it’s largely because when I was plastering my bedroom walls with images of Duran Duran and John Taylor, it didn’t occur to me that millions of girls before me had done it. Equally mind-boggling is that millions of girls after me surely did the same thing with the band or teen idol of their choice. What is it about evolution that drives adolescent females to such extremes of home decor? Nesting instinct? Hormones run amok? The teen idol poster printing industrial complex? Holly Gilliat brings a new one to the blog today–Kiss wallpaper, while joining us to celebrate the release of ‘Til St. Patrick’s Day (it’s awesome–go buy it!). Nesting…home decor…hormones…Gene Simmons. Excellent combo.

Holly Gilliatt

Hazelwood Central High, Florissant, MO, Class of ’90, Currently: Packaging Sales Rep by day; Author—whenever I can be!

Band and/or song that reminds you the most of high school: This is tough to narrow it down! There are so many…of course, hair bands (Bon Jovi, Kiss, Poison, Motley Crue), George Michael, The Bangles, Tone Loc, U2, Richard Marx.

Favorite piece of music memorabilia (poster, t-shirt, etc.) in high school: About midway through junior high, and with no decorating budget in sight, I decided to cover up my ragdoll wallpaper that I’d had since I was four—with posters of Kiss. I mean, every single inch. That lasted until I was about 16 and saved up some money to redecorate!

Band that you hated that everyone else at school seemed to love: This was the tail end of high school for me, and the beginning of boy bands—New Kids on the Block. I just didn’t get the allure, or the music.

Best show or concert you saw in high school: Don’t laugh. Really…don’t. It was probably Richard Marx at the Old Glory Amphitheatre at Six Flags in St. Louis. My friends Sherry, Craig and I even stormed the stage…I suppose hoping to get a chance to snag a lock of his big hair!

Best high school make-out song: Chris Isaac’s “Wicked Game.” Still puts me in the mood.

Holly Gilliatt is the author of ‘Til St. Patrick’s Day, now available from Turquoise Morning Press. You can learn more about Holly at www.hollygilliatt.com or follow her on Twitter @hollygtweet.

Watch the trailer for ’TIL ST. PATRICK’S DAY.

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