My friend Holly Gilliatt passed away yesterday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. She was a fellow author, incredibly smart, spirited like a house on fire, and hilariously funny. She was a mother, a wife, a daughter, beloved. She was a good friend. She never took herself too seriously, but she also never gave up. She was as tenacious and determined as a person can be. I only knew her as someone living with cancer. If she was ever feeling sorry for herself, she never showed it.
I was never lucky enough to meet Holly in person, but she and I became about as close as you can over email and gmail chat. We mostly talked about writing, but we also discussed our kids, husbands, balancing everything, and the business of being an author, including the ginormous loads of bullshit that come with it. Holly would want me to be clear with everyone that writing is awesome, but the business of writing can be shitty. It’s the truth.
Holly and I were brought together by our books–hers, ‘Till St. Patrick’s Day, and mine, Bring Me Back. We both had other books, but those were the stories that told us we were members of the same club, each of a similar voice. BMB is the first book I wrote. It was the book that lived in my heart until I finally just had to let it out. I think Holly felt the same way about TSPD and thank heavens she had the courage to write it. For those of us who are missing her, we can spend time with those pages and be reminded of her singular voice.
For me, writing that first book was an unbelievable catharsis. I sat at my desk and wrote like crazy every day for months. I wept. I laughed. I thought harder than I have ever thought in my entire life. I wrote about love and family and parenthood and the ways in which we disappoint each other and the things we have to do to fight back from that. If I were facing a terminal illness, I could point to Bring Me Back and say, “Look, people. This book is ME on a plate.” I think the same could be said of Holly and ‘Till St. Patrick’s Day–it holds her humor and point of view. It tells a love story while keeping an edge. The Holly I knew was exactly that–full of love, still with an edge.
Both Holly and I put ourselves in the purgatory known as “romantic women’s fiction” with our books. We laughed about it, because it basically means that no agent will represent you, conventional wisdom says that no one will buy it, no publisher will want it, blah blah blah. Writing stories about women’s lives and their loves doesn’t give you a pigeon hole to live in. It’s not the smart thing to do, especially not with your first book. You should write something that’s easy to market, that follows genre guidelines, a book that you can describe as “The Mindy Project meets Knotting Hill” or whatever, in an elevator. But some times, the smart thing isn’t the best thing you can do. Smart doesn’t equal real. Smart doesn’t make soulful. And I’m not saying that my book is soulful. I’m only saying that my soul is in the words. It’s right there, on the page.
So, screw the smart thing. Holly and I did. Write what’s in your heart. It’s more important than selling a zillion copies or making the New York Times list, or at least it is to me. I’d much prefer that a few people know the real me than the world know something I made up because I was guessing it would be popular. Holly felt the same way, although she would not have been the slightest bit upset if TSPD or any of her soulful, genuine books had made the NYT list. I’m guessing she would’ve thrown a hell of a party.
Last October, Holly came to me with a request–would I be willing to finish the book she was working on if she didn’t have enough time to finish it? I was floored. Wait. Hold on. I was FLOORED. I was humbled and stunned, too. Was she kidding with that question? Or course I would, I answered. Whatever you want, just give me marching orders, tell me where the checks should go when it’s finished. She would get me the plot outline, she said. It was the best idea she’d ever had, she said.
The outline never came. And I’ll probably never know what she wanted from me. And that’s okay. In a long line of things we’re all missing right now, it’s pretty insignificant, but it will haunt me. Possibly forever. I will always wonder what was in that beautiful head and heart of hers that she wanted to get out. But at least she wrote ‘Till St. Patrick’s Day. At least she wrote an amazing book that helped to spawn our friendship.
Holly reminded me, and those who love her, just how short life is. Don’t die with the book of your heart still inside you. Don’t leave this earth without getting out the stuff you’re longing to say–whether it’s a poem or a recipe or an opera or just telling your mother that you love her, but you never liked her beef stroganoff, and you’re sorry, but you just won’t eat it again. Let out what’s in your heart while you have the time. God knows I wish Holly still had time to share more of what was in hers.
Holly Gilliatt penned three marvelous books in her too-short time on earth. If you’re inclined to read one, please do so. You can find the pertinent links at I’m certain the money will go to benefit her children.
To read Holly’s Rock ‘n’ Roll High School post on my blog from last year, you can find it here.
To read author Linda Retstatt’s blog post about Holly, you can find it here.
To read author Jennifer Anderson’s blog post about Holly, you can find it here.
Rebecca Grace Allen joins us for RNRHS today with the finest in 90s grunge–Stone Temple Pilots, anyone?–with a little Dave Matthews Band thrown in there for wholesome good measure. I’ve had RNRHS guests who went back as far as the 1960s with their musical memories, but despite generational differences, one theme remains a constant–teenage angst and rebellion. I suppose that’s what youth is for…testing boundaries and pushing the limits. Right? Although, I still find myself doing this. Does that mean I have a problem with authority? Probably a question for my parole officer, huh? (Kidding! Sheesh.) In Rebecca Grace’s debut, The Duality Principle, her heroine, a PhD candidate, is exercising some naughty rebellion of her own with a bad boy hiding in a crisply tailored shirt. Can’t wait to dig into this book! The Duality Principle is out now–get your copy today! Right after you read this post, of course.
Rebecca Grace Allen
Class of ’96, Currently: Writer of contemporary erotic romance. Caffeine addict, gym rat, fur-mommy.
Band and/or song that reminds you the most of high school: It’s a tie between anything by Stone Temple Pilots and “Ants Marching” by Dave Matthews Band. DMB was popular my senior year, and I will always remember rocking out to it with my fellow activities geeks (yes, I was one, as well as a drama geek, and I’m damn proud of it!). But STP really gets those angsty teenage feels going. There was something so raw about their sound, something rough and gritty especially off their Purple and Core albums that I loved in my grunge days.
Favorite piece of music memorabilia (poster, t-shirt, etc.) in high school: I actually didn’t have a whole lot of memorabilia because going to the occasional concert was expensive enough, but I did wear the grunge uniform in high school, and my favorite item was my purple Doc Martens. I still can’t believe I gave those away! *cries*
Band that you hated that everyone else at school seemed to love: I couldn’t get into the early forms of rap and hip hop. I’d be cringing the whole way through songs like “Gangsta’s Paradise” and “O.P.P.”. I just couldn’t say the word “homey.” Ever.
Best show or concert you saw in high school: Actually, it wasn’t even a concert with a real band. A bunch of guys I knew formed group they called Ntrope, and I went out to see them one night at a local club. It was the first time I was allowed to be driven anywhere by a friend who had a license, and they played The Ramones’ “I Wanna Be Sedated” in all three sets. I head-banged until I threw my neck out. I was fifteen, and it was that first night of real teenage freedom and fun (even though I made sure to make curfew).
Best high school make-out song: “Truly Madly Deeply” by Savage Garden if I wanted sweet, but the song that really turned my crank would’ve been STP’s “Sex Type Thing.” I never was a sweet girl. 😉
Rebecca Grace Allen’s debut, The Duality Principle, is out now from Samhain. Be sure to pick it up! You can learn more at
Up to a little mischief on Rock ‘n’ Roll High School today, featuring an interview with the fictional Frank DeLuca, one of the heroes in Margaret Ethridge’s amazing book Paramour. (Yes, there’s more than one hero in Paramour, at least from where I’m sitting.) I was so excited when Margaret told me that this particular book was going to be part of a boxed set. I was even more excited to find out that Frank could do a post for my blog. Frank is one of my favorite romance guys of all time, the classic anti-hero, the guy you love and yet you aren’t completely sure why. You only know that part of you is pulling for him, part of you would like to figure out a way for him to get the girl, even if he has challenges that go far beyond the scope of a normal guy. FAR beyond. You’ll have to read the book to find out exactly what I mean. With seven books for .99, this boxed set is an incredible deal. Paramour alone is worth the price of admission!
Frank DeLuca
Warrenton High. I should have graduated in 1982, but I wasn’t exactly the, uh…studious type. I wanted to work, you know? Currently: Now? Now I do nothing but wait.
Band and/or song that reminds you the most of high school: Uh, that one about Bette Davis. All the girls were into that song. Never could figure it out.
Favorite piece of music memorabilia (poster, t-shirt, etc.) in high school: I took a girl to see Journey on the Escape tour. She wanted matching t-shirts. I wanted her. Amazing what a chick will do if you sing a little ‘Open Arms’ on the drive home.
Band that you hated that everyone else at school seemed to love: Oh, man. Aside from the screeching cat that sang the Bette Davis song? I swear ‘Endless Love’ followed me everywhere. Lionel Ritchie is so annoying.
Best show or concert you saw in high school: I didn’t really see any other concerts while I was in school, but I caught a few awesome shows after I ditched. Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica. Even caught Bon Jovi, but I couldn’t hear most of it with all the chicks screaming.
Best high school make-out song: Ha! That’s easy. ‘Open Arms’ works like a friggin’ charm.
Frank DeLuca is the not-of-this-world charmer from Margaret Ethridge’s Paramour, which you can get as part of the Enchanted Lover Boxed Set, Seven Novels of Mystical, Magical and Paranormal Romance, out now. It’s a fabulous deal, also featuring books from Maddie James, JC Warden, Cheryl Norman, Jan Scarborough, Cat Shaffer, and JM Kelley! If you want to learn more about Margaret Ethridge and her amazing books, be sure to visit
Today’s RNRHS post (#79, by the way…I wonder if I’ll make it all the way to #100?!) is from fellow romance author Amy Jo Cousins. I don’t usually play favorites when it comes to these posts, but this one is just way too adorable for words. I think we can all relate to the ways in which a crush changed our world view, whether it was new music or old movies or some funky cuisine that we totally pretended to be familiar with while we scanned the menu for anything that looked even REMOTELY normal. My biggest leap for love in high school was deciding I would be preppy. It lasted three weeks, sophomore year. My crush was a year ahead of me and so unattainable, but I was sure that if I just started wearing penny loafers with argyle socks, sweater vests and button-down oxford shirts, that he would have no choice but to fall in love with me. Didn’t happen, that girlfriend of his wasn’t going anywhere, but he and I did become friends and realized we liked a lot of the same music. Romance thwarted, I returned to my Midwestern semi-rebellion of wearing torn jeans, Chucks, and winged eyeliner. My friends were so happy to have me back on Planet Earth.
Amy Jo Cousins
Glenbard West, Glen Ellyn, IL, Class of ‘89, Currently: Joan Wilder-ing
Band and/or song that reminds you the most of high school: Man, I’d love to say something hip like Sinead O’Connor or Naked Raygun (both of whom I thought were weird when I was in high school…she was bald, which perplexed and scared me), but I just wasn’t that cool. If I am completely honest, I had quite a thing for musical theater and film. Especially bad musical theater and film. As in, I can still sing all of “Cool Rider” from Grease 2, because my best friend and I watched that movie about a hundred times freshman year. Also, I can do most of the songs from The Chorus Line, particularly “Let Me Dance for You” and “Dance: Ten; Looks: Three,” aka the tits and ass song. It’s funny that I didn’t think about this when writing When the Lights Go Down, because the conversations about high school/college plays could have been way more fun. “If he’s cool enough, he can burn me through and through, whoa yeah!”
Band that you hated that everyone else at school seemed to love: Bon Jovi, Bon Jovi, Bon Jovi! I spent a couple of years working in a karaoke bar in my early 30’s and have since been converted by the awesome performers who belted out Bon Jovi nonstop on contest nights (not to mention, Jon Bon Jovi was totally hot when he had that part on Ally McBeal), but I was not a fan in high school. My best friend was a full-on Bon Jovi groupie, so I’m not sure I ever said this out loud before now, but Slippery When Wet? Bored me to tears.
Best show or concert you saw in high school: I had a crush on this one boy all through high school. Okay, I actually forgot about him for most of sophomore year, but then my brother started his freshman year when I was a junior and he joined the gymnastic team. My old crush competed on that team too, and let me tell you…put a guy in a spandex tank top and some skintight pants and whooee! I was back in love. So, via a bit of hallway eavesdropping, I learned that my crush was a huge Jethro Tull fan. Of course, I became a huge Jethro Tull fan too. What a coincidence! (Turns out I still am. Jethro Tull is effing awesome. Locomotive Breath! Aqualung!) This was the late 80’s, mind you, so we were already late by almost two decades for the height of the band’s popularity. In any case, when they toured my senior year, I got a ticket and a whole group of us, including my crush, went to the concert together. It was at Alpine Valley, an outdoor concert venue just across the border in Wisconsin. I sat on my blanket and tried both not to stare at the albino gentleman right in front of me and not to get a contact buzz from the clouds of pot smoke. I was successful at the task requiring manners.
Favorite piece of music memorabilia (poster, t-shirt, etc.) in high school: That same crush of mine was also a fan of The Ramones. Having impressed him with my coincidental Jethro Tull passion, when he found out I’d never heard of The Ramones, he made me a cassette tape of their songs. Even someone as desperately uncool as I was in high school couldn’t help but recognize that “I Wanna Be Sedated,” “Blitzkrieg Bop,” and “Sheena Is a Punk Rocker” were classics. Think I still have that tape in a drawer somewhere.
Best high school make-out song: I really dove into the kissing thing in college, being a shy and retiring sort in high school. But I did make out with a super sweet guy named Dwayne, because he played “She’s Like the Wind” from Dirty Dancing for me. Dwayne taught me how to drive stick (NOT a metaphor!) during the brief time we dated, a gift for which I will be forever thankful.
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